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You can now share two more additional BeReal per day. All you have to do is post on time



Posting Bonus BeReal

The option to post Bonus BeReal appears in the frame on the right of your BeReal. Posted late? The option to post Bonus BeReal is locked. No worries! There’s always tomorrow. 

Tap the frame to open your camera and take a Bonus BeReal.   

The audience set for your BeReal also applies to your Bonus BeReal. Therefore, updating the audience of your BeReal will also update the audience of your Bonus BeReal.

Deleting Bonus BeReal

Deleting your BeReal will also delete your Bonus BeReal.

You won’t have the option to post Bonus BeReal if you delete your BeReal and post a late BeReal after.

You can delete and repost your Bonus BeReal as much as you want. Take it easy, though!

To delete Bonus BeReal

  1. Tap your Bonus BeReal to open it in full preview.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
  3. Choose the delete option. 
  4. Choose a reason for deleting your Bonus BeReal, and confirm.


Bonus BeReal and Memories

Your Bonus BeReal is available in your Memories.

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