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Tag your friends in your BeReal to share your special moments together.

If you tag a friend in a BeReal, we will send them a notification letting them know.


Tag a friend

  1. Tap 'Tag' on the bottom left of your BeReal.
  2. Search for the friend(s) you want to tag.
  3. Tap the 'Tag' option next to their name to tag a friend. 

View a tag

  1. Tap 'add/view comments' under a BeReal post to enter the reaction view.
  2. The tag icon can be found at the bottom left corner of BeReal. If it's not visible, expand the BeReal by tapping it.

Untag yourself from a BeReal

  1. Tap 'add/view comments' under the BeReal to enter the reaction view.
  2. The tag icon can be found at the bottom left corner of BeReal. If it's not visible, expand the BeReal by tapping it.
  3. To remove yourself from the BeReal, tap the untag option. 

If you untag yourself, you won't be able to be tagged again in the same post.

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